Though the crypto market is quite stable, many factors can impact its performance heavily. Because of this, many experienced investors often comment on the market’s future outlook to make others aware of what’s coming next. However, not all the forecasts turn true, as a minor factor can change the whole market’s trajectory. And this is what happened with this popular crypto analyst, Zoran Kole, whose BTC price analysis went totally wrong, disappointing hundreds of his followers.
Who is Zoran Kole? Why His X Account is Deactivated?
Zoran Kole is a famous crypto analyst, recognized with his public X handle, Captain Cole, but he also had other private accounts. Zoran is a well-established crypto investor, rumored to make millions of dollars from crypto trading. However, that is not all, as he has also founded Giga Chad Ventures, a digital asset venture fund focusing on introducing infrastructure and innovative protocols.
He is a crypto influencer with millions of followers on his social media platform and runs a Telegram group called Crypto Insiders. With such deep involvement with the crypto industry, he is an icon for newbies and other investors, and many follow his crypto forecasts and investment suggestions.
One of his most popular forecasts was around Bitcoin, where he claimed that the BTC price would drop to as low as $40,000 due to the price charts forming a “head and shoulders” pattern. He made this price analysis four months ago, and it was supposed to come true around the current time.
Zoran Kole also made an X post on June 6, 2024, saying $44,444, which referred to Bitcoin’s yearly opening price. He further wrote, “I’m sorry,” to show his sadness with the upcoming bearish outlook, where the BTC price might fall to this level or below that.
However, instead of falling, the price rose, where Bitcoin price hit the $65K mark just recently and is aiming for $80K next, per many analysts. This event has disappointed hundreds of investors who followed his analysis. What is more disappointing is that Zoran has deactivated his X social media platform, leaving investors in mid-way who needed new guidance on the unexpected market situation.
Samurai Zoran Kole has gone full Japanese. Hold on to your butts.
— BouncyOnion44 (@BouncyOnion44) September 16, 2024
Investors Flock on X After Zoran’s BTC Price Forecast Fails
Most analysts have anticipated the Bitcoin price to grow to $80K, $100K, and even millions in the long term. However, Zoran Kole’s analysis spoke of the price dropping to $44K and even lower.
Following his crypto trading practices, many investors have placed the same trades, which resulted in heavy losses as the BTC price grew instead of falling.
Zoran Kole claimed Bitcoin would dump to 44k and I would get rekt
Today he deleted his account after getting rekt
Doubt me at your own risk
— Crypto Michael (@MichaelXBT) September 26, 2024
One investor posted on X that he had lost all his life savings after copy-trading Zaron’s trades. However, many have questioned why Zoran had suddenly disappeared. Some have even mocked his X account deactivation, leaving many in awe of what went wrong. However, it is doubtful whether there is a correlation between this Bitcoin price drop and the disappearance of Zaron or if it is just a coincidence, but many have linked these two events.
Where Zaron’s followers have struggled, a crypto trader made $554 in 24 hours taking advantage of the recovering gains, showing two sides of the crypto market.
Final Thoughts
Amid the uncertainty around the crypto market, the Bitcoin price has surpassed the $65K mark, currently at $65,447. With this, many crypto analysts’ forecasts might have turned true, but Zoran Kole’s BTC price analysis stating a drop to $44k went entirely wrong. At the same time, Zoran has deleted all of his X accounts, including the private and public ones, disappointing many of his followers. And now all the eyes are on Bitcoin and whether the price will surge to $80K in Uptober and the crypto market rally.
The post Who is Zoran Kole? Analyst Deactivated X Account After Wrong BTC Price Analysis appeared first on CoinGape.
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